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Types and parameters

The Types and Parameters plugin will allow you to batch and quickly process parameters in your open family. You will be able to transfer a parameter from a general to a family parameter, delete, rename parameters and sizes, add a suffix or prefix, replace one value with another, and reset the value of parameters.

So, in an open family, launch the plugin.

After launching the plugin you will have a window where you will need to select some settings:

1. In this window, select the General settings that are in the family.

2. In this window, select the common family settings that you use in your family.

3. In this window select the sizes that you have in your family.


After you have selected something from steps 1-3, you can customize the actions that can be done with the selected parameters or sizes.


4. If you want to change the name of parameters or sizes by replacing one value with another, specify them in "Find" and "Replace".

5. If you want to change the parameter or size designation by adding a suffix or prefix, specify them in "Find" and "Replace".

6. Press this button if you want to change a common parameter to a family parameter. The common parameter will not be deleted.

7. Command similar to step 6, but the common parameter is removed from the family.

8. Command to rename the selected parameters and sizes.

9. Command to delete the selected parameters and sizes.

10. Command to reset the value of the selected parameters to zero.

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