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Export to IFC


Plugin "Export to IFC" will help Bim specialists to do batch unloading to ".ifc" format of models and Revit. This plugin will allow you to save a lot of time on routine operations to unload your models from ".rvt" format to ".ifc" format. Just collect a table with the models you want to unload and run the plugin. By the way, the plugin will allow you to process models lying both on local storage and on Revit Server.

1. Preparing Excel file for plugin operation

To work with the plugin, you will first need to set up an Excel file in ".xlsx" or ".csv" format as follows:

Obligatory starting from the 1st row!

Column A - Model Name with ".rvt" extension is mandatory

Column B - Path to the location of the Revit model. This can be either the path to local storage or the path to Revit Server. In the case of Revit Server, you need to specify the path in the following format:

RSN://*server name*/*folder name*/.

Column C - Specify the path to the folder where the plugin will need to upload the model in ".ifc" format.

Column D - (optional field) Specify the absolute path to the parameter mapping file

Column E - (optional field) Specify, if necessary, a new name for the model in ".ifc" format.

Column F - (optional gap) Specify the name of the view, if it is important to specify some other name for a particular model from which the upload to IFC will be implented.

You can list the species here and the plugin will do an upload for each of them. The uploaded file will have the species name in the prefix. Use three # signs as delimiters.

Column G - (optional field) We indicate the absolute path to the file with the custom feature set.

Save this file, we will need it for the plugin to work.

2. Plugin operation

After the Excel file is prepared, you can run the plugin. To do this, open Revit, and then either in an open document or just in an open Revit application, go to the BS_Bim tab and run the "Export to IFC" plugin.

In the opened window you will have to specify a lot of settings. Let's go analyze them.

1. Select the model sheets file in ".xlsx" or ".csv" format

2. Select the IFC version.

3. Specify by which coordinates we will do the export.

4. Check the checkbox if it is necessary to export links of other elements.

5. Check the box if we want columns, walls and ducts to be cut by levels.

6. Check the box if we want to export parts.

7. Check the box if we want the geometry to be exported to IFC in a representative form.

8. Check the box if we want to get the family name and type name in the reference property

Example based on a window family:

9. If we want to export by coordinates using the site elevation, check this box.

10. If you want to save IFC GUIDs in the model, check this box. After unloading the model GUID will be filled and the model will be saved!

11. If your files are storage files, you can additionally specify which working sets the plugin can initially close when opening models. In this case, the export will be much faster. Specify names separated by commas.

12. If we want to export not the whole model, but only the elements from a certain view, check the box.

13. If the checkbox is checked in item 11, then enter the name of the view, which is necessary for the plugin to find in the model and export from it.

14. In case we want to export also 2D elements, check the checkbox

15. If there are links in your model and you also want to upload them, check the box and all links will be uploaded next to the main file.

16. If you want rooms, zones, spaces to be unloaded in IFC, check this option and you will get rooms in IFC as well. This setting works only when selecting unloading by a certain type

17. If there are several sites in the model and you want the upload to be done for each of them, then check the box and the upload to IFC will be done several times. In the name of the final file the name of the site will be written in the suffix.

18. In Revit we have standard parameters, if you want to export them, check the box.

Example of exporting parameters on the example of a wall, displaying in BimVision

19. For IFC files, among all the standard settings in Revit, there are also basic settings. If you want to unload them, specify this setting in the window

Example of parameter unloading on the example of a wall, displaying in BimVision

20. In addition, when uploading to IFC you can export the basic volumes at the same time

Example of parameter unloading on a wall example, display in BimVision

21. If you have some schedule in Revit, and you want the model to be unloaded to IFC according to its structure, you can check the checkbox, and then you will have another set of parameters with values similar to the schedule in IFC in the element properties.

Example of parameter unloading on the example of a wall, displaying in BimVision

I.e. all parameters as in the specification in the revit were simply displayed in a separate parameter set in the IFC.

22. This item complements item 20. Since you will have many specifications for elements in your revit, then in the end, when uploading to IFC, each of them will have its own set of parameters - this is a lot. Therefore, there is a possibility to sift and make uploads only for those specifications, which name has the words "IFC", "Common", "Pset" in it

23. The most important point for the correct setting of parameter unloading. At the very beginning, we set the path to the parameter mapping text file in the Excel file. It is this checkbox that finally allows the plugin to do the unloading to IFC taking into account those mapping files that we specified in Excel. So don't forget to turn it on!

24. Select the checkbox if you want the custom feature file, whose path you specify in Excel, to be considered during the upload.

25. This window displays all models that the plugin has read from the selected model sheet file in ".xlsx" or ".csv" format. You can select all models or specific models to upload.

26. Click "Export" and the plugin starts its work.

As a result, in the folder that we specified in the model sheets file, we get a set of files in the "IFC" format

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